Monday, July 27, 2009

Visuals to keep you occupied...

Baboon by the bus stop on the UCT campus. It tore down that garbage can like it was no big deal.
Me looking nice and awkward at Cape Point/Cape of Good Hope
Camp's Bay beach area

My bed and security door leading to my wonderful balcony!

The amazing view from my balcony. It will never get old, and I will never take it for granted.

Kirtenbosch Botanical Gardens
An African chicken (or something like that) taking a dirtbath in Kirstenbosch. This one's a male
The Atlantic Ocean side of the Cape of Good Hope. The sand here was made completely of seashells, and as you can see, the water was amazingly clear
Baboons at Cape Point, which includes a large nature reserve. The one on the left has a baby under her belly, though you can't really see it here. There are also zebra, ostriches, and some other antelope-type animals on this reserve.
An apartheid-era apartment complex in Oceanview, a township we were taken to on the trip to Cape Point. During apartheid, non-whites were moved from their land into housing like this far from the main city.

Below are some of the many penguins at Boulder Beach. Normally penguins nest on islands, but as people moved into the area, they scared away the predators of the penguins, and the beach became a protected nesting area.


  1. Whoa sick sick sick sick!!! So b e a utiful!! Ah! yes i have decided that you should live there so i can come and visit! The wildlife is bazooty!! and nice place you have there. live it up! woo! Miss ya friend!

  2. I'm totally enjoying your blog and letting family and friends in on it. Thank you for including photos of you too. I don't see the Mowbray district on the map, which makes me wonder where you live in relation the surrounding area.
    Could you also give us some visuals of the campus and your Charlton House? Keep exploring and posting... Joy

  3. yeah I didn't realize it would be cut off until after I posted it, but I will put up another map sorry.

  4. Wow, the photos are fantastic, keep them coming!!!! The people seem so friendly too. I'm so proud of your adventurous spirit, what wonderful new experiences you are having. Way to go!!!
