Monday, August 31, 2009

Essay Procrastination

So I am supposed to be writing an essay, so here I am.

This movie has generated a lot of buzz over the past couple days: District 9. Here is the IMDb link for it: and the official site link: I haven't seen it yet, but a lot of people have been saying it's really good. Basically it's apartheid told through sci-fi. A South African student in my Film and History class was raving about how good this movie was and how "South African" it was, and I guess he would know more than I.

Oh and for those who want to know more about "green living" in Cape Town, visit this website:
- I am not sure if I have mentioned this before, but Cape Town is affectionately referred to here as the "Mother City."

I also went hiking up behind my house the other day and took some nice pictures:

Rhodes Memorial
Pretty flowers and view
Me conquering
A zoom in of my house and neighborhood.
Goat and view as the sun goes down behind us
Panaroma of view (sorry so small!)


  1. sHEELA! Nice pictures! I like the flower and goat pictures

  2. AMAZZING MY FRIEND!!! I wish i could be there.
